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Blog:Authentic Autism

Dr. Nikko Da Paz, BCBA
Sep 5, 20203 min read
He's Fifteen
Wow! It is hard to believe. My personal journey with Autism began with the birth of Evilasio Da Paz, Jr. on September 5, 2005. Little did...

Dr. Nikko Da Paz, BCBA
Aug 1, 20202 min read
I Don't Want to Grow Up
“I don’t want to grow up!” That is what my 13 (soon to be 14) year old son with Autism said to me. “Being an adult is hard,” he said....

Dr. Nikko Da Paz, BCBA
Jul 31, 20203 min read
Bookshelves and Tables and Desks, Oh My!
That was what I saw when I was called to school for my 5 year old son with Autism. He had just transitioned from an Autism pre-school...

Dr. Nikko Da Paz, BCBA
Jul 20, 20203 min read
A Surprise Apology
This weekend, our family celebrated my Granddaughter, Symonne’s birthday. As part of the celebration, we served a delicious meal of jerk...

Dr. Nikko Da Paz, BCBA
Apr 7, 20202 min read
Uncertainty & Change
Today is filled with so much uncertainty. There is a pandemic happening all over the world. Schools are closed (since March 2020) and...
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